Microvita Research e.V.


Why to expand imagination?        


When discussing abstract things, time and time again anybody might say ‘sorry, but I just can’t picture it’.

Of course, this can always happen due to deficiencies of presentation, but in some cases the topic might also be inconceivable. Our perception evolves according to the needs of everyday life. Consequently, most of us expect things to exist in a 3-dimensional world only. Multidimensional objects easily exceed our imagination, and on mentioning complex or imaginary numerical ranges, some might scream out loudly. Mathphobia?

But it’s not only with numbers. Objects also become multidimensional, if seen from different points of view - technically, culturally, religiously ... and it even amounts to the same with meditation ...

So, in order to stretch imagination, it might be better to sustain patiently and to trust in the power of pure thought. You’ll probably be surprised with the results of such exercises!

Why to learn matrix calculus?

First. The concept of Microvita (ultimate particles of consciousness), as it was introduced by the Indian philosopher Prabhat Rainjan Sarkar, is not meant as a contribution to philosophy or esoteric literature, but as a means to promote basic sciences. Therefore, it needs a precise language, which can hardly be provided by one of our spoken languages, with all their double and triple meanings; rather the necessary unambiguity must be supplied by formal logics and/or mathematics.

Second, getting along with my coming book (From Imaginary Oxymora to Real Polarities and Return - A new Science of Reality), youll find logics in the form of set theory, and mathematics as matrix calculus, where the latter is simple in comparison to Schrödinger wave equations, which are commonly considered to describe our fundamental reality. In contrast, matrix calculus directly corresponds to the basic granularity/discontinuity, assumed by recent quantum theories of energy, space and time.

Regarding simplicity, my calculations only need basic operations like multiplication and addition, although in a special sequence. Step-by-step instructions can be found at Wiki/Matrix Multiplication and Wiki/Matrix Addition, a suitable add-in for Microsoft Excel (matrix.zip) can be downloaded from


Third, matrix mechanics, as created by Werner Heisenberg, Max Born, and Pascual Jordan back in 1925, was the first conceptually autonomous and logically consistent formulation of quantum mechanics. The relations between matrix mechanics and wave mechanics have been described elsewhere (1), the relations between matrix mechanics and the presented tensor model of Microvita are yet to be investigated.

(1) W. Heisenberg: Physics & Philosophy - The Revolution in Modern Science.

Harper & Row, New York, 1958,


How to conceptualize an independent observer?

Starting with the dichotomy between matrix and wave mechanics back in 1925/1926, numerous interpretations of quantum mechanics have been put forward. The common ones have been summarized elsewhere. They display a wide range of disagreement about key issues, such as the role of an observer and the reality of the wavefunction for example.

Instead of adding another, certainly less popular interpretation, I rather address the underlying questions: How to conceptualize an independent observer? How to imagine a plenum of implicate order, from which the explicate order of the universe, as we experience it, can arise? How to relate matter, energy and idea?

To these questions, our books provide concise and mathematically testable answers.


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